Sometimes we complain about the weather in Washington, but when it does clear up we must be thankful of the beauty rain gives the Pacific Northwest. A friend of mine in Switzerland once took a month expedition through the Sahara desert in Africa and ever since then he has never complained of the rain.
Twin Lakes, Washington State – The day begin excitingly well with a nice forecast. About halfway up the mountain, the engine was receiving some hesitation on acceleration to the point where it stalled the engine. My thoughts were either air or a fuel cut. After troubleshooting the mass air flow sensor and replacing with a spare, the problem was resolved and didn’t say another word. 3/4 of the way up the mountain, the coolant temperature begin to rise above normal even with the auxiliary fan ON. It turns out my primary fan was inoperative. After changing 12VDC relay it did not fix the problem. I ended up jumping a 12VDC wire to the fan to run continuous. Thinking about it now, it may be the temperature switch on the radiator itself. On a positive note, the GL was back on the road and the GF burritos on the double deck burrito pan were even warmer after the incident! Two vehicles offered to help en route if I did become completely stranded.
After a delicious burrito and some Tai Coconut soup, it was time to go for a swim in the frigid lake. With the warm 30C sunny weather, I was dry within minutes.
Anyone cares to join me on a hike to goat mountain next time? Rain or Shine