All participants driving in the event must be licensed drivers.
Here is an aerial view of the parade lap
Hello Fellow Subaru Owners,
Is this exciting or what? We can make this happen, but to ensure we pull this off successfully we’ve added some important information for you to consider when Pre-Registering for this event. We are offering a special pre-registration rate to encourage Saturday arrival. So join us in Birch Bay on Saturday Night for a fun pre-event evening.
The demographic questions are necessary for our Chamber of Commerce to gather the data necessary for us to receive the funding that allows us to organize these fun community events. The personal information gathered is made anonymous, and not connected to your identity in any way.
In order for the event to qualify, we have to verify insurance, driver’s license, and that the vehicle is licensed. While we will NOT be recording any of that personal information, we are required to record the license plate number for each individual vehicle. It is part of the Evidence requirement for Guinness.
Be sure that your Subie is in sound working order. A vehicle that has trouble and stops the Parade progress can jeopardize setting the World Record. We don’t expect this to be a problem – these ARE Subarus after all.
Please choose your “Staging Time” keeping in mind that your car will need to stay parked in that spot until the actual Parade starts at Noon on Sunday. The local cab company will be providing shuttle service within the immediate birch bay area for lodging, camping, food, and drink needs. It will cost only $2/trip to use the shuttle.
And the single most important requirement; … HAVE A GREAT TIME