In 2009, Tommy started his journey from Stavanger, Norway and rode his motorcycle through Asia to Australia and finally the Pacific. It took him two years. He lived in Perth, Australia for about four years working and saving his money for his upcoming trips. I met Tommy through his friend Nathan Hammond while working at the Jandakot Airport in Perth with Erickson Air-Crane.
He shipped his Australian registered 2006 BMW HP2 named Balder to New Zealand and then to Chile, South America. He has spent the last three years riding from Chile to Bellingham, Washington State USA while visiting many wonderful warm people along the way including some long time friends. As Tommy’s friend Alex puts it: “Tommy is the one who hardly anyone knows, but who has been around the world. He’s the guy who epitomizes the old saying, “He who does the thing, has the power.”
Tommy’s dream is to ride across every country in the world, making new friends and spreading joy where he can. He has currently traveled to over 41 countries. Tommy is a believer in Tryology. Just try what works and become a believer.
His motorcycle is named Balder, which is a god in Norse mythology, and a son of the god Odin and the goddess Frigg. He has numerous brothers, such as Thor and Váli. On the side of his motorcycle, one will notice a Norwegian poem written in old runic. The poem is about setting an intention for Tommy and the motorcycle on the journey. It’s about setting an intention of spreading good energy to the people that they both come across.
The Life of a Motorcycle Traveler | Tommy’s First Blog | April 30, 2016 | Buzios, Brazil
“My very first blog post. To all those who have asked for an update and not gotten one; I’ve had shit to do. Although my days normally start when the sun shines on my hammock, I still have my daily routine. They don’t always consist on the normal chores of keeping the house tidy, or beating peak hour traffic on the way to work. I still have to plan what to buy for dinner, breakfast and lunch (in that order). I still have to make sure I don’t pass 395km before filling up my fuel tank goes empty. I still have to find a clean water source for my weekly shower. So I hope you can appreciate the busy life of a motorcycle traveler. On that matter I would like to share a wonderful concept a very dear friend in Norway introduced to me regarding a morning routine. A few habits are my own and others have been adopted after seeing the clear benefit. So here goes;
First things first, make your bed. In my case, my hammock or my tent and sleeping bag. Just do it first thing. Before breakfast or anything else. It is a mission completed, a small victory and if you don’t accomplish anything else during your stressful day, at least you can come home to a beautiful and tidy bed.
Second; Meditate. Doesn’t have to be for more than ten minutes. Get a countdown alarm on your phone and just sit relaxed and breath, it’s not that hard. Let your thoughts come and practice the art of letting them go. It’s a habit that might not initially feel like it makes a big difference. But in the long run it will revolutionize the way you remove unproductive thoughts and refocus on what matters.
Third; Gratitude. Whatever form or shape that works best, do it. I normally start by thinking of my how grateful I am for my health and then all the opportunities of my day to come and circle out to people in my life I grateful for. I visually see them achieving a great life of happiness and I continue with nature, books, and joyful moments in life and so on. This can take all day if you are a natural optimist like me, so keep it short and sweet and make a competition with yourself to find new things to be grateful for and visualize how great your day can be if you approach it with gratefulness for life.
Forth: Workout. Pushups, yoga, squats, stretches. 5 minutes or an hour. Whatever floats your boat. Do it. By this time your mind is in a peak state and body is alert and ready. It’s time for throwing ideas on paper.
Fifth; Write. Whatever you have in your mind. Get it on paper. It might be about how your dream, your daily plan/challenges or just how weird the meditation felt. Whatever comes up, write it down. Subconsciously your mind will arrange and prioritize your daily activities and by writing down the “noise” and/or “clarity” it will give you a huge advantage for attacking the day with direction and purpose. This has been a life-change for me and I challenge you to try this for ten days and please tell me how your life has transformed as a product of this daily starter.”
“You were born to be real, not to be perfect.”
“The rear wheel does what it wants, focus on the front wheel and you will stay upright. That also goes for life too.”
“Every person we meet has something to teach us. That’s worth listening to. It happens every day!”
“The more I learn, the more I realize I know nothing.”
Countries Visited:
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Laos, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Singapore, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Iceland, Canada, Norway
Total: 43