The 1984 Subaru GL “Gordon Lightfoot” and I had a late start to Twin Lakes – Mt. Baker, Washington State. By 13:00h, I began the ascent on the single lane dirt road. I was greeted by Jeeps returning from the top. Due to the foot of snow fall the previous night, the road would have been treacherous to continue uphill with oncoming vehicles returning from the top. By surprise I met Jason who owns the monster Subaru Brat on Toyota frame returning. I was able to obtain the CB and Ham Radio frequencies from some other vehicles to speak with the last member of the group at the top for information on conditions. Little did Kevin know I wasn’t in a typical Subaru
Out of curiosity, I launched the drone to sneak at the hairpin corners above. I decided to go with plan B and explore Skyline Divide Trail off of Glacier Rd. To my surprise, I discovered an empty trail head parking to capture the Subaru GL in action the next morning. Due to the shorted daylight hours, I went to sleep at 19:00h and awoke at 05:30 comfortable throughout the night. I was hoping for snow fall overnight, but temperatures kept above freezing.
After a few high speed passes in the morning, I was satisfied and ready to head home.